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Jean’s Story - Free e-book - Updated 3rd Edition
Karunai Illam Trust
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Jean’s Story - Free e-book - Updated 3rd Edition

The third edition of Jean’s book has been published in digital format and is available free on the About Page of our website.

It includes a new chapter that describes the partnership with the DHAN Foundation, which has been involved since 2007, and has allowed Jean’s work to expand in unforeseen new directions.

Ten years after Jean Watson’s death in 2014, we believe it is time for her story to be told again, so that people will know that her work for deprived children in south India is not just flourishing but is expanding in new directions. We hope you enjoy reading the story of Jean’s work, and of the children who are growing up in the care of the Illam.

While the e-book is free for anyone to download and read, we would be grateful if you would make a donation of any amount to the children at the Illam.


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